Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Je suis en France! France is fantastic, absolutely awesome. I'm in a medium sized french city in the foothills of the French Alps. The city I live in is situated in a huge valley, flanked by mountains on all sides, with the heart of France, including France's largest natural lake at one end, and the alps between France and Italy at the other. Its a pretty shitty place to spend five and a half months all and all....I met the rest of the exchange students at the Universite de Savoie yesterday and its been great getting to know them all. There are 11 americans, 4 brits, one canadian, and one Italian bird. Of all the students there is one other dude, with whom I'm rooming for the time being. He's a good old boy from Virginia, laid back and easy going; we get along quite well. He also has a serious girlfriend...so, the odds are just terrible for me...just terrible, but someone has to represent the american male in response to all the French creepers crawling and oogling the girls....
Yes life is good. Good wine is cheap, the market being saturated and all, the food is good and cheap aussi, the scenery beautiful, the weather temperate, you can't ask for much more than this. School is quite laid back as well, getting to know an entirely different academic and administrative system is quite a headfuck, but I'm getting through it. I have my first class tomorrow and I'm excited for it. I have l'initiation du latin ancienne at one thirty in the afternoon for two hours....tres interessant. I'm off to O'Cardinal's pub right now for a few drinks with the other exchange students, apparently irish pubs are big over here, which is nice because I know how to play that game, in fact I'm quite familiar with that scene, thanks to my hard work put in at O'Reagan's in Montreal over the years. Bonsoir, until later, go Obama go!

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